[wdvltalk-social] Back Online

Cheryl D Wise cdwise at wiserways.com
Thu Sep 8 01:02:51 BST 2011

Well, there is life in this list yet. So good to hear from you (and David)
though I'd have never guessed who it was from the message sender. <g>

I'm about to hit the road again. This will be my third 1,200+ mile trip on
my Piaggio BV this year.

Cheryl D Wise
Ride reports on my blog http://cheryldwise.com 
twitter: cdwise

> -----Original Message-----
> From: edc_quik
> After destroying my email client and being utterly bollixed by Vodafone, I
> finally back online folks.....

> Michael Ensor, Wellington, N.Z.

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