[wdvltalk-social] BIG emrgency - wife's machine limping ;-)

joseph harris smilepoet at vfemail.net
Sun Sep 20 03:13:14 BST 2009

From: "PatrickG" 
> joseph harris wrote:
>> I've gone to the limits of my technical expertise; thrown it from one side of the room to the other...
>> The message is 'disable caching and shadowing' - I suspect that even if I could get to something to try that it would not be a good idea.
> (replying from a subscribed address this time)
> Could be several things. I'll give you my 2 cents worth and maybe 
> someone with a bit more expertise than me can add to it. :-)
> If it were me, I would power the system down, Open the case and re-seat 
> all of the memory and any boards. Also double check all cables to be 
> sure they are fully set.
> Also make sure all fans are clear and functioning (could just be 
> overheating).
> Other possibilities:
>   Failing Memory
>   Corrupt startup files (would need the Install CD to fix)
> My leaning is towards some type of file corruption, as it generally 
> shouldn't ask for the install disk to enter safe mode.
> HTH,
> PatrickG

Excellent help Patrick. I'll try that tomorrow, see what happens!


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