[wdvltalk-social] broadband woes

joseph harris smilepoet at vfemail.net
Thu May 1 00:56:08 BST 2008

From: "joseph harris"
> From: "David Precious"
>> On 04/30/2008 03:22 PM, joseph harris wrote:
>>> cross-posted on wdvl list
>>> We switched to broadband a month or so back and everything
>>> worked
>>> fine through a smartAX882 modem/router [or just modem
>>> depending who
>>> you read!].

>> Did you change anything while the connection was down?
> Yes.   It was a while before we realised the signal had gone.
> The pile of broken items by the far wall is growing large!
> Joseph

And larger.

This is the diagnostics test

      Item Description
      PVC   PVC-0
      Modem Connection Test
      Testing Ethernet connection PASS
      Testing ADSL line for sync PASS
      Testing Ethernet connection to ATM PASS
      ATM Connection Test
      Testing ATM OAM segment ping FAIL
      Testing ATM OAM end to end ping FAIL
      ISP Connection Test
      Testing PPPoE server connectivity FAIL
      Testing PPPoE server session SKIPPED
      Testing authentication with server SKIPPED
      Validating assigned IP address SKIPPED
      Internet Connection Test
      Ping default gateway FAIL
      Ping Primary Domain Name Server FAIL

I don't know quite how it will come through, but it sems that the 
weakness [according to this] is the OAM.   If I knew what that 
was I might be a bit further forward.


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