[wdvltalk-social] Can't see framset in source for Technorati listing

joseph harris smilepoet at vfemail.net
Mon Aug 25 12:14:18 BST 2008

I am trying to get my blog listed on Technorati. It is a Wordpress.com blog. I am instructed to view source and find these lines

<frameset rows="*" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0">
<frame name="princ" src="http://BLOG_URL"></frameset>

Try as I might I cannot find any mention of frames or framset on the source for the main page, nor on the dashboard source. Apparently this is the place Technorati picks up the content.

Anyone know what I am doing wrong, or if I can find the url under some other part of the code?

Thanks in advance.
Joseph Harris
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