[wdvltalk-social] Imprint title - help requested

David Blakey davidblakey at gmail.com
Sun Aug 10 20:25:32 BST 2008

At 02:54 11-08-2008, you wrote:

>I had settled on 'Don't Panic Books' as an imprint for books
>dealing with grim situations that could be recovered. A Domain 
>search ealry this year indicated the .co.uk name was available. 
>However I now find it was registered last year, and is for a new 
>bookshop named Don't Panic. Apart from any isisues of rights I,and I 
>am sure they, would not welcome the confusion.

If you are convinced that this branding format isn't tired, then you 
might want to repeat or reword your own description.

'Grim' and 'recovery' could be starting points, and if you change 
'recovery' to avoid medical connotations, you should be able to come 
up with something snappy.

'Revival' or 'regain'?  'Renew'?

There might be something with 'Harris' and 'harass', without being 
too long-winded.

I do think that snappy titles can imply lack of depth.  I don't think 
that anyone facing a real crisis in management picks up a One Minute 
Manager book, for instance.  I would read those titles in my leisure 
as a way of finding out how to improve my business.  I think that 
your books will be aimed at people who want to stop the imminent 
failure of their businesses, so something more 'solid' might be 
better.  So 'Business Recovery Books'?


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