[wdvltalk-social] Fw: secure download for ebook

joseph harris smilepoet at vfemail.net
Fri Aug 8 11:40:02 BST 2008

From: "Cheryl D Wise"

>I use Zen Cart to manage book downloads with payment through 
>PayPal. People
> have to log into their account to download the books they 
> purchased (though
> it does return automatically from PayPal). I can set the number 
> of times the
> person can download their purchases and a time frame after 
> which their
> download link will expire.
> Cheryl D Wise
> MS MVP Expession
> http://by-expression.com

My book(s) will be useful but I think less compelling than yours, 
so I'm not too keen on an account hurdle. but I am wondering how 
I might use the PayPal reference number to add a touch of 
security. One publisher puts buyers' names in the pdf, but that 
is through Open source, which I have been eyeing idly for years 
without considering the water warm enough to jump in ;-).

Try to make time to follow through on the advice from you, Tim 
and David - for which thanks all.


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