[devtalk] table line deletions and diskspace

joseph-harris Joseph-Harris at topmail.co.uk
Thu Apr 2 10:50:24 BST 2009

From: "David Precious"
> joseph-harris wrote:
>> The main advantage for a wiki seemed to be the ease of 
>> cross
>> referencing, and the ability to add information to a 
>> page.
>> But I wonder if I might achieve some of this with a forum
>> style or bulletin board. Is there another system that has
>> ease of creating cross referencing?
> Any system that allows untrusted users to add/edit content 
> is ripe for
> abuse by these selfish bastard spammers.
> If you can lock it down so that only registered users can 
> make changes,
> things will be a lot better.  If you don't really want 
> your visitors to
> make changes, then all the better, disable account 
> creation (or select
> an option that means they have to be manually approved 
> before they can
> log in, or something, if that option is present), so that 
> spammers can't
> just create an account then use it to spam.

;-) I now have no option but to totally agree with you. The 
wikis do seem a little light on control though, which is why 
something with a registering system is more inviting. I'll 
just test out this cleaning script before changing.


Joseph Harris  -  Debt Control Man
author: Control Your Debt Crisis on Your Own Terms
blog: http://debtcontrolman.wordpress.com
site: http://www.controlyourdebtcrisis.co.uk
wiki: http://www.controlyourdebtcrisis.co.uk/debtwiki/
debtcrisisnews-subscribe at lists.controlyourdebtcrisis.co.uk 

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