[wdvltalk-social] just who are the criminals ......?

joseph harris smilepoet at vfemail.net
Fri Jan 25 00:06:01 GMT 2008

But it is all the fault of the computer - `'we just put the 
results in and the computer did the calculations, your honour'.

And:  'But I was just looking at this film description and 
suddenly I found the computer had downloaded it while I was 
making a cup of tea [or maybe rolling a spliff, or maybe heating 
the crack, or shooting up, or selling copies on or something].

Cynical|?   Moi?


From: "michael ensor"
> MPAA admits movie piracy study is 29% full of @$#%»
> Exaggerated case used to push legislation
> A 2005 study by the Motion Picture Association of America 
> claimed that illegal downloads from college students accounted 
> for an
> enormous 44 per cent of the industry's domestic losses.…
> http://go.theregister.com/feed/www.theregister.co.uk/2008/01/24/mpaa_admits_movie_study_error/
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Isn't lying to Congress a crime? ( obviously not when it is 
> erroneous data )
> www.WellingtonLive.co.nz

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