[wdvltalk-social] Poitics.......
joseph harris
smilepoet at vfemail.net
Sun Nov 18 01:48:02 GMT 2007
Oh yes, the old game of using a change in the law to further
establish the position of the legislators. Here MPs have been
busy handing themselves generous increases, pensions and
expenses. While expecting all othe servants of the crown to get
below inflation rises.
Power corrupts, i suppose.
From: "michael ensor" <edc at wnc.quik.co.nz>
To: "Web development and beer"
<wdvltalk-social at wdvltalk-social.org.uk>
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2007 1:22 AM
Subject: Re: [wdvltalk-social] Poitics.......
> hehe, well actually there is only one politician here
> currently facing corruption charges, but people are currently
> marching in the streets protesting proposed laws that
> will prohibit 'election funding' by third parties........
> [the draft law is badly written and way too draconian
> in it's scope.........as it stands it will severely restrict
> any lobby group or 'new' political party from saying
> almost anything........]
> www.WellingtonLive.co.nz
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