[wdvltalk-social] Beast this |Joseph........

joseph harris smilepoet at vfemail.net
Sat Nov 10 21:52:39 GMT 2007

And who said we have no eccentrics left...


From: "michael ensor"

> Never use an internet translator to hire a gorilla»
> Butthash and flying cows inside
> Comments In a possible bid for Mum of the Year (or the 
> intervention of social services, depending on your views on 
> such things), a
> Nottinghamshire woman sent a stripper to her son's school for 
> his 16th birthday. So stunned was the teacher that she allowed 
> the
> show to continue, as the boy was whipped and led around on a 
> leash, until the stripper urged the boy to rub cream on her 
> buttocks.
> The birthday boy then fled the scene. His mother maintains that 
> she intended to send a gorilla, which in itself raises worrying
> implications.…
> http://go.theregister.com/feed/www.theregister.co.uk/2007/11/10/comments/
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> www.WellingtonLive.co.nz

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