[dancer-users] Dancer Advent Calendar 2023

Dave Cross dave at perlhacks.com
Sun Oct 29 09:09:13 GMT 2023

On Sat, 28 Oct 2023 at 14:06, Jason A. Crome <jason at crome-plated.com> wrote:
> Hey Dancers! We’re doing an advent calendar this year, and we’d love for you to contribute. Tell us your Dancer success story! Write about a project you worked on that used Dancer, a plugin you wrote, a plugin you love, anything.
> December is coming fast, so get your ideas in now. Please reply to this message if you’d be interesting in helping with this year’s advent calendar.

I recently had a lot of fun working on a project that used Dancer2 as
the backend to a site that was using HTMX (https://htmx.org/) on the
front end. I was planning to write a blog post about it, but it would
make sense to save it for the advent calendar.

So sign me up, please.


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