[dancer-users] Template Toolkit Sort Hash

Shlomi Fish shlomif at shlomifish.org
Fri Sep 25 20:22:51 BST 2015

Hi Richard,

On Fri, 25 Sep 2015 13:40:39 -0500
Richard Reina <gatorreina at gmail.com> wrote:

> I display a hash reference in a  template.  It works well but is there a
> way I can sort it by SNAME instead of ID?
>     <ul class="list-group fancy-list-items">    <!-- <ul class="list-group
> checked-list-box"> -->
>              <table style="width:100%">
>                 <% FOREACH ID IN Pats.keys.sort %>
>                 <tr class="list-group-item">
>                   <td width="70"><% Pats.$ID.SNAME %></td>
>                   <td width="75"><% Pats.$ID.ANAME %></td>
>                   <td width="35"><% Pats.$ID.SSN %></td>
>                   <td width="35"><% Pats.$ID.YR %></td>
>                   <td width="250"><% Pats.$ID.CHNAME %></td>
>                   <td width="550"><% Pats.$ID.DESCRIP %></td>
>                   <% END %>
>                 </tr>

1. You should put the "<% END %>" after the "</tr>" or otherwise the HTML won't
be well-formed (even though it may still display correctly).

2. Please consider passing the Pats hash to the view/template as an already
sorted array-reference (or as a different parameter to it that way) because
there's a limit to how much complexity you should put in the template (even
assuming it may be possible).


	Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/Can-I-SCO-Now/ - “Can I SCO Now?”

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    — http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/facts/Chuck-Norris/

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