[dancer-users] Dancer2 deployment

Richard Reina gatorreina at gmail.com
Sun Nov 29 00:22:38 GMT 2015

2015-11-22 10:45 GMT-06:00 Andrew Solomon <andrew at geekuni.com>:

> I think this tutorial of Gabor's is a very gentle introduction to
> deployment:
> http://perlmaven.com/getting-started-with-perl-dancer-on-digital-ocean
> Andrew
I am trying to get this to work but am having problems with daemon::control
(I think).

When I execute /usr/local/bin/starman --workers 3
/home/starman/Almslete-App/bin/app.psgi from the command line it works and
dancer app is dancing. But with:

program      => '/usr/loca/bin/starman',
program_args => [ '--workers', '3', '/home/starman/Almlete-App/bin/ap\
p.pgsi' ],

in my starman.pl app the service starts but I get the follwing errors in
/tmp/starman.err and dancer is not dancing at http://myip:5000

Can't exec "/usr/loca/bin/starman": No such file or directory at
/usr/local/share/perl/5.20.2/Daemon/Control.pm line 348.
Failed to exec /usr/loca/bin/starman --workers 3
p.pgsi: No such file or directory at
/usr/local/share/perl/5.20.2/Daemon/Control.pm line 348.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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