[dancer-users] Example of pagination with DBIC?
John Stoffel
john at stoffel.org
Thu Oct 16 20:20:35 BST 2014
breno> First of all, if you're doing a website search, I would
breno> recommend against "like" on a database - it gets really slow
breno> really fast. Instead you should try something made for full
breno> text search like Elasticsearch.
Sure, I know it's probably slow but it's a small database (under 1000
entries, though closer to 3000 owners listed. Again, not huge. I do
appreciate the pointer and I'll probably play with it down the line.
breno> Going back to your question: in terms of paging with Dancer and
breno> Dancer::Plugin::DBIC, this is what you could do:
Thanks for this, I'm going to have to look at this more closely. The
only issue I see is that the 'get' might get *really* hairy, since the
users can search on multiple fields at a time (though I doubt in
practice this happens... but you never know!).
After reading up more on DBIx::Class stuff, I really need to go back
into the DB and cleanup the schema and the naming. It's really
horrible and crufty. But again, that's for another day.
Just to give people a hint of what I'm doing, here's my search.tt
# TestDBIC/views/search.tt
<h2>Search for Mummies</h2>
<FORM ACTION="/results" METHOD="post">
Search Name: <input type="text" name="Name" /><br>
Sex: <SELECT NAME="Sex">
City: <input type="text" name="City"/><br>
State: <input type="text" name="State"/><br>
<INPUT type="submit" name="submit" value="Search" />
and of course my results.tt as well.
<% IF query.length %>
<p>Search query was : <% query %></p>
<% IF mummies.size %>
Found <% mummies.size (num) %> Records:
<table COLSPAN=6>
<% FOREACH mummy IN mummies %>
<TD COLSPAN=1> Name:</TD> <TD>
<TD COLSPAN=3> <% mummy.name %></TD>
<TD COLSPAN=2> MummyID = <% mummy.mummyid %> </TD>
<TD COLSPAN=1> Sex: <% mummy.sex %> </TD>
<TD COLSPAN=6> <% mummy.Notes %>
<% END %>
<% ELSE %>
No Mummies found for your search.
<% END %>
<% ELSE %>
<p>Search query was empty...</P>
<% END %>
<P><A HREF="<%url_for("search")%>">Search</A>
All of this is just quick throw together hacks for now, until I get
the basics working. As you can see, I was following the instructions
that included using the bootstrap or twitter CSS style stuff. Which
of course isn't setup properly. Heh.
breno> ----------------8<-----------------
breno> get '/search' => sub {
breno> # what the user is searching: (e.g.: /search?q=whatever)
breno> my $query = param('q');
breno> # which page to render (e.g.: /search?q=whatever&page=2)
breno> my $page = param('page');
breno> # make sure it's a valid page:
breno> $page = 1 unless $page && $page =~ /^\d+$/;
breno> # create your search parameters (I'm gonna handwave this one)
breno> my %search_params = ( ... );
breno> # fetch the proper page on the database
breno> my @results = rset('MyRS')->search(
breno> \%search_params,
breno> {
breno> rows => 10, # <=== how many items per page
breno> }
breno> )->page( $page )->all;
breno> template 'mytemplatename', { search_results => \@results };
breno> };
----------------> 8-----------------
breno> Does this help you at all? I would also read through https://metacpan.org/pod/distribution/
breno> DBIx-Class/lib/DBIx/Class/Manual/QuickStart.pod and https://metacpan.org/pod/distribution/
breno> DBIx-Class/lib/DBIx/Class/Manual/Intro.pod.
breno> And of course, if you have any other questions, feel free to ask :)
breno> Cheers!
breno> garu
breno> On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 5:29 PM, John Stoffel <john at stoffel.org> wrote:
breno> Hi all,
breno> My google-fu is weak and I haven't been able to find a good example of
breno> how to do pagination with Dancer, DBIC and ideally some basic
breno> Javascript to make it look good.
breno> Here's my basic code that I'm working with right now, which I know is
breno> semi busted, but I just keep hitting roadblocks. The goal here is to
breno> let me spin up quick, but nice search forms for read only mysql DBs
breno> for a library I work with in my spare time. Ideally a CRUD interface
breno> down the line to allow end users to add/edit records. DBIC looks to
breno> be the way to go with this down the line, since it can do proper
breno> records and transactions. At least I think it can.
breno> Any way, my code:
breno> package TestDBIC;
breno> use Dancer ':syntax';
breno> use Dancer::Plugin::DBIC qw(schema resultset rset);
breno> # cd TestDBIC;
breno> # TestDBIC::Schema 'dbi:mysql:dbname=emina;host=quad' emina
breno> our $VERSION = '0.1';
breno> get '/' => sub {
breno> template 'search';
breno> };
breno> post '/results' => sub {
breno> my $name = param 'Name';
breno> my $sex = param 'Sex';
breno> my $city = param 'City';
breno> my $state = param 'State';
breno> my $id = param 'MummyID';
breno> my @rows;
breno> my $query;
breno> my $q = {};
breno> my $limit = 10;
breno> my $opts = {};
breno> $opts->{order_by} = { -desc => 'id' };
breno> $opts->{rows} = $limit if defined $limit;
breno> # We need to join in several tables from the schema
breno> $opts->{page} = 1;
breno> $opts->{limit} = 15;
breno> $opts->{order_by} = { 'desc' => 'name'};
breno> my $rs = schema->resultset('MummyInNorthAmerica');
breno> if ($name) {
breno> if ($query) { $query .= " AND "; }
breno> $query .= "Name LIKE $name";
breno> $q->{name} = { like => "%$name%" } ;
breno> }
breno> if ($sex) {
breno> if ($query) { $query .= " AND "; }
breno> $query .= "Sex = $sex";
breno> $q->{sex} = $sex;
breno> }
breno> @rows = $rs->search($q,$opts)->pager;
breno> template 'results',
breno> { query => $query,
breno> mummies => \@rows,
breno> rows => 1000
breno> };
breno> };
breno> true;
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