[dancer-users] Dancer::Plugin::SimpleCRUD and 'add_edit_row_pre_save' hook question

Tappin, Chris (AU - Sydney) ctappin at deloitte.com.au
Tue Jul 15 03:26:30 BST 2014

Hi Dancer users

I hope you can help me.  I'm pretty new to Dancer and I'm trying to write a simple web service for note taking.  The SimpleCRUD module looks perfect for my needs, but I need to add a timestamp to the record that SimpleCRUD creates.

>From the documentation I assume the right way to do this is with the 'add_edit_row_pre_save' hook, but the code in that sub doesn't seem to ever get called.

      record_title => 'Log item',
      prefix => '/crud',
      db_table => 'prototype',
      editable => 1,
editable_columns => [ qw( UFirstName ULastName Details Type KFirstName KLastName Outcome ) ],
add_edit_row_pre_save => sub {
            my $row = shift;
            open TESTOUTPUT, ">", "TEST.txt" or die "$!";
            print TESTOUTPUT "hello";
            close TESTOUTPUT;

Does anyone have some sample code or tips on how to implement 'add_edit_row_pre_save' that they would be willing to share?  My Googling turned up nothing.

Many thanks


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