[dancer-users] Collision of multiple Dancer2 apps using Plack::Handler::Apache2

sawyer x xsawyerx at gmail.com
Mon Sep 16 22:02:14 BST 2013

On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 5:31 PM, Juan José 'Peco' San Martín <
jsanmartin at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello.


Although the general answer seems to be: "yes, with Dancer2 it's possible
> to run multiple applications on the same server<https://github.com/PerlDancer/Dancer/issues/521>",
> I'm not able to do it :-/

This relates directly to the ability to have multiple applications in the
same Perl processor without serilalizers, responses and so forth stepping
over each other. This has been tested and approved as proper. The reason is
that Dancer1 has SharedData and other singletons while Dancer2 does not.

> Is it possible?.

I've never tried. I would simply run a web server (such as Starman) and
inside it use Plack::Builder with URLMapper.

> I thought Dancer2 had solved it (instead of Dancer1).

Yes. The parts I noted were indeed solved. I have no idea what specific
problem you're experiencing and you haven't provided any information to
help us understand what you're seeing.

> With the following configuration, I can only run one applicationcorrectly. If
> I start both, I have a mess ...

Could you please provide more information other than "I have a mess"?
Example of your situation and the problem you're experiencing will help us
find the problem.

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