[Dancer-users] Dancer 2 for the masses

Assaf Gordon gordon at cshl.edu
Fri Oct 5 16:19:14 CEST 2012

Stefan Hornburg (Racke) wrote, On 10/05/2012 06:15 AM:
> The core team wants to promote and finalize Dancer 2. IMHO there are a couple
> of things missing to make it easier for people to try out Dancer 2 and get
> involved into coding and/or improvements:
> 1. dancer script and/or sample application for Dancer 2

<shameless plug>
The Dancer/JQuery/Bootstrap/FontAwesome demo ( http://cowbell.cancan.cshl.edu/  and https://github.com/agordon/dancer_bootstrap_fontawesome_template ) works out of the box with the latest Dancer 2.
</shameless plug>

But if I could make a request regarding Dancer2:
One thing that always annoyed me in Dancer1 (and took a long time to troubleshoot) is that the config files are parsed during compilation (not runtime) and the log files are created during compilation (not runtime).

So if the config file is messy, even a simple "perl -c ./bin/app.pl" fails with a long message (unrelated to my perl code).
Or, if the log is set to "file" and the log directory isn't properly setup, again, "perl -c" would fail.

Dancer is supposed to bring back the fun to Perl web programming (and it sure does), but those two things are really annoying for new users.


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