[Dancer-users] Website in Dancer

igor.bujna at post.cz igor.bujna at post.cz
Wed Jun 13 14:34:06 CEST 2012

there is code from this page http://www.maxi-tip.cz :


 [% SET langs = {
                                        cs = "Čeština"
                                        vi = "tiếng Việt"
                                        } %]

        <li id="languages" class="pull-right"><a href="#"><span 
class="selected-language">&nbsp; <img src="img/icons/flag_[% 
session.item('language') %].png" alt="[% session.item('language') %]
" />&nbsp;</span></a>
                [% SET pos=0; FOREACH j IN installed_languages.keys.
sort %]
                        [% IF langs.item(j) %]
                        <li [% pos == 0 ? 'class="first"' : "" %]><a
href="[% uri_for('index') %]?lang=[% j %]" alt="[% j %]"><img alt="[
% j %]" src="img/icons/flag_[% j %].png" /> &nbsp; [% langs.item(j) 
? langs.item(j) : j %]</a></li>
                        [% END %]
                [% SET pos=pos+1; END %]


There is everything. I use my plugin http://search.cpan.org/~
koceasy/Dancer-Plugin-I18N-0.40/lib/Dancer/Plugin/I18N.pm which make
In hash 'SET langs = []' where keyname must be setted as LANG name 
from this http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/GUIDO/libintl-perl-1.20/
lib/Locale/Util.pm for me is 'cs' for Czech and 'vi' from Vietnamese

When you put in any page param such 'lang=vi', plugin automatically 
switched to this new language if existed translation file for this language.

In my Dancer directory must created directory I18N where for me is 
translated files such as "cs.mo,vi.mo"

Next, I make make_i18n.sh script which read every template files or 
modules and add new text for localization to po files which is 
archived in directory "I18N/pot/". Must be run form main dancer directory.

Now you can open actually 'po' files such as I18N/pot/cs.po and make 
translation to this and rerun make_i18n.sh repeatably to make 
translation files "I18N/cs.mo"

For translation you must use ASCII letters. In template files I use l() function for this, but you can defined own functions for this via options:

          func: "N_"

For using xgettext.pl I must use localize() function in *.pm modules for translation.

There is simply and translation which I use has 2 way:
1) translation via function in template such as this code [% l('Sazkova kancelar') %] can change text in l() function to given language or in module is same but for gettext.pl I used 'localize' function such as this code: return localize('Sazkova kancelar')
2) translation big of text blocks in template or module via function language_tag() such as:
    [% IF language_tag('vi') %]
 ....some big text in vietnamese..
    [% ELSIF language_tag('cs') %]
 ....some big text in Czech..
    [% ELSE %]
 ..... some big text in native language....
    [% END %]

make fun and dance Igor 

This is make_I18N.sh skript

# Print available locales via : `locale -a`

LANGS="cs vi en de"

#NOW=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M:%S")
NOW=$(date +"%s")

if [ ! -d $DIR ];then
    echo "Not existed $DIR"
elif [ $# -eq 0 ];then
        echo "Must put locale names such as parameter (cs,en) "

rm -f $DIR/*.mo
if [ "$1" = "1" ];then
        for i in $LANGS;do
                [ -f $DIR/$i.po ] && msgfmt --output-file=I18N/$i.mo $DIR/$i.po

xgettext.pl -P Locale::Maketext::Extract::Plugin::TT2 -P
Locale::Maketext::Extract::Plugin::Perl -w --output=$POT --directory=views/
--directory=lib/ -v

for i in $LANGS;do
        msginit --no-translator  --input=$POT --output=$f --locale=$i.utf8
        #msgfmt $VERB -o /dev/null -c --statistics $f
        if [ -f $DIR/$i.po ];then
                mv $DIR/$i.po $DIR/$i-$NOW.bck
                msgmerge $VERB -o $DIR/$i.po $DIR/$i-$NOW.bck $f 
                cp -p $f $DIR/$i.po
        msgfmt --output-file=I18N/$i.mo $DIR/$i.po

# Remove obsolete translations:
#for i in *.po; do msgattrib -o $i.no-o  --no-obsolete $i && mv $i.no-o $i; done

------------ Původní zpráva ------------
Od: Alex <800 at ru07.com>
Předmět: Re: [Dancer-users] Website in Dancer
Datum: 12.6.2012 13:10:30

Good site! 

Please, can you show the example of the code in perl dancer where 

the switch between the Czech and vietnamese languages is realized? 

Soon I will have to work on a multi-language project, 

so I want to understand what is the best way to make it. 

> Hi, 

> I wrote this website http://www.maxi-tip.cz/
(http://www.maxi-tip.cz/) in Dancer, that use 

> this Plugins(Database, Email, my localization Plugin-I18N). 

> For now is localized in Czech or vietnamese. 

> All of code has about 2.000 lines + code in templates. 

> This website is 2x fasten when old website writen in PHP. 

> Bye Igor Bujna 

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