[Dancer-users] Request for donation

Alexis Sukrieh sukria at sukria.net
Tue Mar 23 12:22:52 UTC 2010


The Dancer project started in august 2009, when I saw Sinatra[1] and
thought Perl needed something like that.

At first it was just a basic route disptacher, but soon people started
to pay some attention to it, and contributors started showing up.

At the time of this writing, Dancer is 8 months old and has more than
100 followers on GitHub[2], the project is more and more popular and
still attracts new users.

A domain name has been registered[3] and a mailing list has been

Almost all of the features we want for the 1.2 release are done and are
heavily tested, we're quite happy with the overall quality of the code
(more than 80% of the codebase is covered by the test suite).

So what's next? 

Well, we want to give Dancer a better website, one with a
professional-looking design. To do so, we don't have many options:

Either we find a profesional web designer willing to offer his time to
do it or we pay one. 
Facts are that web designers willing to work for free projects (for
free) are very rare, and we'll end up with a satisfying result
faster if we hire a web designer.

Hence this email: if you like Dancer and use it, either personaly or
professionaly here is a very good way to contribute to the project:

Help us hire a professional designer, make a donation[5] and contribute
to give Dancer a better look for the outside world.

All donators will be listed in a credit page, with a link to their
website if they provide it.

Of course, if you are (or know) a good web designer willing to offer
his/her time to build a new pro-looking design, feel free to contact us.

Best regards,

	Alexis, for the Dancer development team.

1: http://www.sinatrarb.com
2: http://github.com/sukria/Dancer
3: http://perldancer.org
4: http://lists.perldancer.org/cgi-bin/listinfo/dancer-users
5: http://perldancer.org/donate

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