[Dancer-users] Danceer 1.1807 uploaded to CPAN

Alexis Sukrieh sukria at sukria.net
Mon Aug 23 19:59:34 CEST 2010

Hey perl dancers!

I'm very glad to announce that a new stable release has just been 
uploaded to CPAN.

The tarball should be available from your CPAN client in a couple of 
hours. In the meanwhile you can grab a snapshot here:

This is a huge step that has been done since 1.1805 and I'm sure you'll 
enjoy a lot all the new stuff:

Although bugs can still happen, this release has been heavily tested, 
with two development releases preceeding it (1.1806_01 and 1.1806_02).

I really want to thank all the people involved with this release (as 
time goes more and more people contribute to the project, and nothing 
could make me happier).

A special thank and lots of beers go to Franck Cuny who did a huge 
amount of work for this release, in many fields (PSGI compliance, bug 
fixing, test enhancements, documentation reviews and many more). My 
informant also told me he's been working on Websocket suppport but hush! 
this is another (upcoming) story ;)

Enjoy your dances.


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