[wdvltalk-social] broadband woes

joseph harris smilepoet at vfemail.net
Wed Apr 30 17:18:27 BST 2008

From: "David Precious"
> On 04/30/2008 03:22 PM, joseph harris wrote:
>> cross-posted on wdvl list
>> We switched to broadband a month or so back and everything 
>> worked
>> fine through a smartAX882 modem/router [or just modem 
>> depending who
>> you read!].
>> Last Friday the signal was cut and it took till yesterday am 
>> for it
>> to be restored.   Now we have two smart modems, and one from 
>> the IP,
>> and three splitters, two from the IP.
>> We have received settings over the phone for the modem and I 
>> have
>> been trying to get this working for a day and a half.   There 
>> is a
>> full [I think] setting and a diagnostics on the router.
>> I did a cmd ping test as instructed and I was told that showed 
>> the
>> server was connected and receiving, and the asdl line light is 
>> full
>> on.
>> Any ideas?
> So you have an ADSL connection, and can ping things... your 
> connection
> is working, what seem to be the problem?
> Can you ping an IP address directly, but not a hostname?  If 
> so, your
> DNS config is borked.

Have been given unborking instructions...

> Did you change anything while the connection was down?

Yes.   It was a while before we realised the signal had gone.

Trying to reset modem to start again.   It seems there is no 
clarity as to what is wrong.   Using the disc keeps coming up 
with the message that connectivity is 'limited' - and that 
means?....   precisely that is to say   Grrrr.

Using modem interface seems to offer little joy.   Though I have 
put in the information it still seems to be enjoying a boating 
holiday on a sunday afternoon.

The pile of broken items by the far wall is growing large!


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