[devtalk] looping through an array in JavaScropt

Tris beertastic at gmail.com
Thu Oct 29 17:00:18 GMT 2009

Hi all..
Major Javascript woes today...
I'm learning.. well, relearning Ajax.. I've a from that IU wanna
display dynaimic errors..
Anyhoo, I've prepared an array of my errors in an array (inputId : message)
I want to loop through that array, and then IF there's a message
value, then echo it...
For this example, i'm just echoing some alerts.. but I'm not getting any...

What ROOKIE mistake am I making today? ;-p
Peace and love...


<script type="text/javascript">

    var getErrors = new Array();
    var getErrors = {"lookingWhat":"Who are you looking for?",
                            "genderWhat":"What gender are you?",
                            "emailInvalid":"Invalid Email Address",
                            "FieldsEmpty":"Pleace complete all fields"};

    for (i=0;i<getErrors.length;i++) {
        for(getErrors in value) {
            var getKey = $('#'+getErrors[i]);
            var getVal = value[i];
            if (getVal.val() == '') {
                alert('is an error');
            } else {
                alert('no error');


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