<div dir="ltr">Hey everyone.<br><br>I was invited to come to Cluj.pm's monthly meeting in Romania on March 21st and give a few talks.<br><br>One subject that kept coming up is Dancer. People are interested in it very much, and with the release of Dancer 2*, they're getting anxious to know more about it. For this reason I've decided to give a 20 minute talk on Dancer (while focusing on Dancer 2). I will also be giving my lightning talk of "<a href="http://CGI.PM">CGI.PM</a> MUST DIE", which you might be familiar with. You may be interested in the talk descriptions:<br>
<br>Dance Dance (Perl) Revolution (20 min)<br>---<br>With the release of Dancer 2, one of the more refreshing and fun projects to<br>come out of the Perl community, I will be giving you a primer on a web<br>framework that is light, fast, fun, and stays out of your way!<br>
<br>If you've heard of Dancer, but haven't gotten around to using it, this talk is<br>for you. If you haven't heard of Dancer, but are interested in web programming,<br>this talk is for you. If you're just bored and have nothing else to do, this<br>
talk is for you.<br><br>Be warned: this much awesomeness may cause loss of bladder control.<br><br>CGI MUST DIE! (5 min)<br>---<br>CGI is the devil and tonight we're all exorcists!<br><br>If you think CGI is innocent, you're in for a treat. We're gonna count the ways<br>
in which CGI makes our lives miserable and rejoice in other options, which are<br>sane and reliable.<br><br>If you hate CGI as much as I do, you will surely have a good time. :)<br>-----------------------<br><br>I was wondering if anyone has suggestions on points of focus in Dancer 2, or with Dancer in general. What do you think is a great feature you think others should know about? What awesome things did you do with Dancer that you would share with others? Mainly, what excites you about Dancer (and Dancer 2)? Any and all suggestions are very welcome.<br>
<br>Also, if you're able to come to the meeting, please do! I heard they're very informal and a hell of a lot of fun.<br><br>Sawyer.<br><br>* Kudos to all involved in it. Amazing work!<br></div>