[dancer-users] DPAE and reset passwords (Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible)

Nathan Bailey web at polynate.net
Mon Apr 3 08:33:15 BST 2017

I'm trying to set up resetting passwords with DPAE

When I get a "please follow the link below" email, and click on the link,
I'm directed to the standard login page, with "You need to log in to
continue" (username/password or password reset).

I would expect to be directed to a page asking me for the token, or asking
me for a new password, or ...?


PS: My config is below:

        # After /logout: If no return_url is given: land here (no default)
        exit_page: '/'
        # Mailer options for reset password and welcome emails
            module: Mail::Message # Email module to use
            options:              # Options for module
                via: sendmail     # Options passed to $msg->send
        mail_from: 'example <me at example.com>' # From email address
        # Set to true to enable password reset code in the default handlers
        reset_password_handler: 1
        #password_generator: eAlpaca::User::random_pw # Optional random
password generator
        # Set to a true value to enable recording of successful last login
        record_lastlogin: 1
                provider: 'Database'
                users_table: 'my_user_table'
                roles_table: 'user_roles'
                user_roles_table: 'my_user_roles_table'
                # roles_id_column: 'id'
                # roles_role_column: 'role'
                user_roles_user_id_column: 'my_id'
                # user_roles_role_id_column: 'roles_id'
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