[dancer-users] Examining incoming POST headers.

Vincent Freeman ml at felicis.net
Fri Jul 17 02:08:20 BST 2015

Hi guys,

I'm new to Dancer2 and I'm trying to access an authorization header, similar to Github's 'X-Hub-Signature'. 

I consulted with https://metacpan.org/pod/distribution/Dancer2/lib/Dancer2/Manual.pod#header,it says to use 'headers' to "Adds custom headers to responses" and 'header' to "adds a custom header to response", but it does not say how to retrieve the header information, rather than adding it.

I'm using starman with nginx as the forward proxy.

This is my code for testing header access:

post '//hook' => sub {
        my $hd = header "Content-Type";;
        "Your Headers: [".$hd."]";
When I issue a curl, it returns empty.

What am I doing wrong?

Feedback welcomed and thanked in advance.



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