[dancer-users] perl-dancer-angular-seed, a Perl Dancer/AngularJS seed project

Sam Batschelet sbatschelet at mac.com
Wed Jan 8 14:32:30 GMT 2014

On Jan 8, 2014, at 9:10 AM, Jacques Lareau wrote:

> Hi all,
> At work, I use Dancer extensively and find it awesome. I use AngularJS combined with Bootstrap/FontAwesome on the front end. I created this seed project to help in creating my application folder to kickstart projects easily. It also contains seed files for bower, npm, grunt and carton.
> I think having a seed project, and great doc, to use Dancer as a back end for AngularJS could help drive people to Dancer. People want to use AngularJS but don't really know what to use as a back end yet.
> https://github.com/jacqueslareau/perl-dancer-angular-seed
> This project is really new (not even version 0.0.1) and I'm looking for comments/suggestions or contributors.
> I also plan to use perlbrew/carton to manage perl and it's packages. Which leads me here:
> Can anybody offer insight on how to best implement perlbrew and carton with Dancer?

Take a look at our wiki on installing perlbrew here.


once you have perlbrew setup

$ cpanm install Carton

create a file in you base dir called cpanfile

add modules in this format.

requires 'DBD::mysql';
requires 'DBI';
requires 'DBIx::Class';


$carton install and you modules will go into local/

now you need to set you env and use #!/usr/bin/env perl

plenty of articles about using them but just a fyi maybe checkout plenv I have moved to it myself.

Have fun.  


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