[Dancer-users] Dancer vs system()

Stefan Hornburg (Racke) racke at linuxia.de
Fri Nov 18 11:16:49 CET 2011

On 11/18/2011 11:07 AM, Richard Huxton wrote:
> Am I missing something obvious here? can't see anything in the list archives / google.
> my $res = system('/bin/true');
> debug "$res / $?";
> The above always logs -1 / -1 even though the command runs. I'm acutally using it to run a small external db-updater tool and couldn't figure out how I was getting a failure message from Dancer but the database was updating.
> Am I being dim here?

  * Fix bug that made system() fail with -1 under Dancer (felixdo)

This has been fixed in the devel branch.


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