[Dancer-users] deployment problems with apache + starman

Assaf Gordon gordon at cshl.edu
Mon Nov 7 16:16:26 CET 2011


I'm having problems deploying a simple dancer app with Apache+Starman.

Even using the most basic setup doesn't seem to work properly - the "request.uri_for()" returns "http://localhost:3000" instead of the virtual server name.
I tried following the varied instructions in Dancer::Deployment, but that are just too many options, or perhaps I don't understand how the different parts connect.

What I did is:

## 1. Create a new app
$ dancer -a foo
$ cd foo

## 2. Start the server with Starman
$ plackup -s Starman -l ./bin/app.pl

## In Apache, my configuration is;
<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName xxxx.cshl.edu
        ServerAlias xxxx

        ProxyPass / http://localhost:3000/
        ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:3000/

That's it, nothing more, nothing less.
I can see the main Dancer website stub ("Perl is Dancing" etc.), but every link inside the HTML page (e.g. the CSS file) points to "http://localhost:3000" instead of "http://xxxx.cshl.edu" - so none of the links is working.

Any suggestion will be highly appreciated,

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